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The Webview is used to safely display a website or a video file in the Form. It can be used to place a YouTube video within the Form, for example.

url: '',
type: 'website',
height: 270,
width: 460

FormControl Options​

type - required​

Define the type of the resource. Be careful though, youtube-urls for example are of type website! Videofiles are links to actual videofiles (eg. mpeg files)
How to use:
type: 'website'
Type: 'website' | 'videofile'

url - required​

URL to the resource that should be presented in the webview control.
Type: string


The height of the webview ctrl in pixels; if no value is provided, the webview is set to 100 % of the containing element.
How to use:
height: 270
Type: number


Hide FormControl in Form.
How to use:
hidden: true
Type: boolean


The width of the webview ctrl in pixels; if no value is provided, the webview is set to 100 % of the containing element.
How to use:
width: 460
Type: number