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Dev Tools

These CLI tools can or have to be used to make form development faster and easier.


The exporter merges primary HTML files in Includes projects but can also be used to compile TypeScript and SASS. It also removes these and other unneeded files (e.g. .map files) and replaces sourceMappingURL references in JS files from TypeScript development with sourceURL references for better debbuging in production environments.


We recommend using this tool for all projects, as unnecessary files are cleaned up.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the export script with the Form Template folder path you want to export:
    npm run export -- --formDefPath=relPath/to/your/form-template-folder

  3. The exported Form Template is copied to the export folder in your formDev root:

Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
--formDefPath--formDefPath=relPath/to/your/form-template-folderRelative path to the Form Template folder.
--outputPath--outputPath=relPath/to/your/custom/export-folderRelative path to the Output folder.
--outputPostfix--outputPostfix=customFolderPostfixAppend custom postfix to the exported folder name.
--switch--switch=customSwitchDefine which placeholder from the placeholder.json should be used. See "Placeholders"
--excludeFiles--excludeFiles=someImage.jpg,*.xmlDefines a list of files that should not be exported. Provide a comma seperated list of strings and/or glob patterns.
--updateΒ­VersionΒ­Date--updateVersionDate=true/falseUpdate the Date property on the Form version tag, see Form Version. Default is true
--compileFiles--compileFiles=true/falseCompile TypeScript and SASS files. Default is true
--formatHtml--formatHtml=true/falseFormat HTML file after processing. Default is true
--templateVersion--templateVersion=majorSet Version property on the Form version tag, see Form Version. Allowed values are Semver version string (X.Y.Z), major (increase major by one), minor (increase minor by one) and patch (increase patch by one)
--help--helpDisplay help.


The uploader is a handy CLI tool to upload Form Template files to a given server. It supports all used authentication methods available for HybridForms.


AzureAD authentication must either use ClientID and ClientSecret or allow an additional redirect url to use OAuth authentication. The default redirect url is http://localhost:8484 but the port can be changed.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run upload

  3. Fill in all asked properties

Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
-s, --server-s ""The server url to connect.
-u, --user-u ""The username of the AD for ADFS and Basic Auth. ClientID of AzureAD user.
-p, --password-p "yourPassword"The password of the AD user for ADFS and Basic Auth. ClientSecret of AzureAD user.
-c, --client-c "clientName"The client name or ID to connect.
-t, --templates"[Name on server or itemID]@[Path to folder or ZIP]" "[Name on server or itemID]@[Path to folder or ZIP]"Templates to upload.
-D, --delete-DDelete all files from server which are not going to be uploaded.
-d, --download-dDownload Form Template files as ZIP. This will not upload the Form Template.
-q, --quiet-qDisable all output.
-v, --verbose-vWill print verbose info for the execution.
-h, --help-hDisplay help for command.
-fnt, --force-new-token-fntForce getting new auth token.
--oauth--oauthUse OAuth for authentication.
--oauth-port--oauth-port 8080The local port to use for OAuth.
--prevent-store--prevent-storePrevent storing of the access token.
--disable-ssl--disable-sslDisable SSL verification.
--backup--backupDownload backup of Form Template before upload.
--ignore-flags--ignore-flagsDo not upload flags.json.


The boilerplate is a CLI tool to create a starting point for Form Template development. It creates the absolute minimum of files to start creating an own HybridForms form template.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run createForm -- projectName

  3. Fill in all asked properties

Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
projectNamenpm run createForm -- projectNameThe name of the FormDefiniton. Snake Case (All Caps) prefered, e.g. EXAMPLE_PROJECT
-p, --path-p relPath/to/your/form-template-folderThe path to create template.
-h, --help-hDisplay help for command.
--sass--sassUse Scss as prefered CSS library.
--ts--tsUse TypeScript as prefered JS library.
--includes--includesCreate includes project.
--index--indexAdd index.json to project.

Translation Key Generator​

HybridForms helper tool to generate translation keys for multilingual forms. Replaces predefined contents of html attributes, data-hf-options and text content with translation keys, saves the original contents to a translation.json and generates an Excel.

  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run generateTranslations -- --formDefPath=./form-templates/form-template-folder --langCultures=de-DE,en-US


Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
formDefPath--formDefPath=./form-templates/form-template-folderRelative path to the form-template folder. Required
langCultures--langCultures=de-DE,en-USProvide a comma-seperated list of languages that should be included in the translation files, eg: "en-US,de-DE,zh-CN". The first provided culture is used as default. Required
outputPath--outputPath=./form-templates/TranslationExportRelative path to the Output folder. Default folder is "TranslationExport" in the Form Template folder.Optional
translatePlaceholder--translatePlaceholder=trueIf set to true all "data-ph-*" placeholders get replaced by keys. Default: false
excludePlaceholderRegExp--excludePlaceholderRegExp='.*[iI]d$%.*prefix$'Provide a list of regular expressions for placeholders that should not be translated. Use the character "%" for seperating the regular expressions.
addHtmlAttributes--addHtmlAttributes=some-attribute,another-attributeProvide a comma-seperated list of html attributes that should be translated.
addDataWinOptions--addDataWinOptions=some-attribute,another-attributeProvide a comma-seperated list of data-hf-options that should be translated.
translateTextContent--translateTextContent=trueIf set to true, the key generator tool replaces text content of all elements with keys. This option should be used with care, sometimes it's hard to detect if text nodes are really text contents that should be translated. Default: false

Default html attributes that get replaced:

  • alt
  • title
  • placeholder
  • aria-label
  • data-hf-options
  • data-hf-include

Default data-hf-options that get replaced:

  • label
  • htmlLabel
  • tooltip
  • placeholder
  • emptyContent
  • buttonLabel
  • buttonHeading
  • descriptionStart
  • descriptionEnd
  • hintText
  • hintHtml
  • errorText
  • errorHTML
  • dialogText

Translation Compare​

Because git diff cannot show differences of Excel files, this helper script can be used to check what has been changed in translation.xlsx files.

  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run compareTranslations -- path/to/compare/source.xlsx path/to/compare.xlsx --outFile=path/to/compare/diff.json

    • npm run compareTranslations
      • first parameter: filepath to the xlsx source file
      • second paramater: filepath to the xlsx file that should be compared with the first one


Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
-h, --help-hDisplay help for command.
--outFile--outFile=path/to/diff.jsonIf set, the diff output is saved to the given file. Optional

Email Template​

MJML is used as an email templating framework. It keeps developing responsive emails and project footprint simple. For detailed docs please visit official documentation:

MJML files get compiled via CLI tool or the HybridForms Exporter. The Exporter converts the original file to [original_filename].txt.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run email -- path/to/mjml/file -o path/to/output/file.txt

Excel Field Mapper​

This feature is intended to parse an Excel file where IDs (of controls/fields) are defined along with validators (or other data-hf-option properties) in another column. These validators are then mapped to the corresponding controls during export and on-the-fly in formDev.

To achieve this, you need:

  • An Excel file ending with "*.mapping.xlsx"
  • A configuration JSON file


"fieldsToMap": [
"fieldName": "data-hf-options.validator",
"columnName": "D"
"idColumn": {
"name": "A",
"startRow": 2
"worksheetName": "Mapping"

You could set these fields described in the JSON via the exporter's CLI options, but the method above is recommended.

However, what needs to be set through the exporter's CLI is the flag --mapExcelFields=true:

npm run export -- --formDefPath=relPath/to/your/form-template-folder/form-template --outputPath=relPath/to/your/custom/export-folder --mapExcelFields=true

HTML V9 Migration​

There is a script for migrating HTML files from Form Templates v8 to Form Templates v9. Use this for automatical migration.


Deprecation warnings are logged and an error message is shown in the FormDev environment.

  • RadioBoxes need value attribute to ensure saving the correct shadow value for a radio group. The value attribute must be added to the RadioBox. The migration script adds the attribute value="selected".

  • inline style display:none This style is used by conditions and should be avoided on HTML elements. Use class hf-hide instead. The migration script replaces inline display: none with class hf-hide.

  • disabled, readonly attribute To ensure that readonly conditions work correctly, FormControls must be disabled using the disabled: true option. The migration script replaces disabled and readonly attributes with the disabled: true option.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formdev-project

  2. Call the script:
    node sources/htmlMigrateV9.js path/to/html/file

Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
-d, --debug-dRun with debug logging.
-h, --help-hDisplay help for command.

HTML Template Migration​

There is a script for migrating HTML files from old Form Templates to new. Use this for automatical migration.


  1. Navigate to the root of the formDev-project

  2. Call the script:
    node sources/htmlMigrateTemplate.js path/to/html/file

Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
-d, --debug-dRun with debug logging.
-h, --help-hDisplay help for command.

HybridForms Node​

There is a CLI for the HybridForms Node package.

  1. Navigate to the root of the formdev-project

  2. Call the script:
    npm run hybridforms -- <command>


Possible arguments:

argumentHow to useDescription
-h, --help-h <command>Display help for command.

There are several commands to execute. To list them all, use: --help. For a detailed argument list use command: --help <command>.