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The values of the control "MultiSelect" can be provided as static datasource (data formatted like a Json Array inside your template) or in case of a external datasource e.g. by referencing a HybridForms catalog by linking to the URL or by providing an oData source.

Static datasource:

label: 'Technician',
required: true,
dataSource: [
{ name: 'Bauer, F', code: 'Bauer, F' },
{ name: 'Gruber, P', code: 'Gruber, P' },
{ name: 'Lanner, G', code: 'Lanner, G' },
{ name: 'Simon, R', code: '3521' },
{ name: 'Herbert, W', code: '123456789012' }
dataTextField: 'name',
dataValueField: 'code'

External datasource (URL):

label: 'MultiSelect (HFSql Catalogs)',
list: true,
minLength: 3,
url: '/api/catalogs/CatalogName?$select=Title,KatalogText,PLZ,Postort&amp;%24orderby=Title,PLZ&amp;%24top=1000',
template: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.setStreetTemplate,
dataTextField: 'KatalogText',
dataValueField: 'Title'

Multilingual external datasource (URL):

label: 'MultiSelect (HFSql Catalogs)',
list: true,
minLength: 3,
template: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.setStreetTemplate,
url: '/api/catalogs/Items?$select=Title,KatalogText,Streetname,Strassenname&amp;%24orderby=Title,PLZ&amp;%24top=1000',
i18nDataTextField: {
en: 'Streetname',
de: 'Strassenname',
default: 'Streetname'
dataValueField: 'Title'

External datasource (oData):

label: 'MultiSelect with live OData source',
required: true,
dataTextField: 'KatalogText',
dataValueField: 'Title',
autoBind: false,
dataSource: {
type: 'odata',
transport: {
read: {
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose'

FormControl Options​

Options of the kendo component are also available. read more

dataTextField - required​

Define the text of the key-value pair.
How to use:
dataTextField: 'name'
Type: string

dataValueField - required​

Define the value of the key-value pair.
How to use:
dataValueField: 'code'
Type: string


Stored values gets initially checked if they are contained in the data source that is defined on the control. In certain scenarios this is not desireable.
How to use:
checkValueInitially: true
Type: boolean
Default: true


Provide the data for the Drop Down selection formatted like a JSON Array inside your Template.
How to use:
dataSource: [{name: 'Bauer, F', code: 'Bauer, F'}, {name: 'Gruber, P', code: 'Gruber,P'}]
Type: json pseudo array


Define the value selected in newly created Forms. Note: This must be the appropiate dataValueField value. A Custom Code function can be used to set defaultValue.
How to use:
defaultValue: 'Title1',
Type: string | function
Signature: function() => string


Set "true" whenever the MultiSelect should be disabled.
How to use:
disabled: true
Type: boolean


Set "true" whenever the field should get deleted if the Form is copied.
How to use:
doNotCopy: true
Type: boolean


Define the filtering options for the DropDownList. Can be used to search the list in more than one datasource column. A field entry is required. The operator's default entry is contains. more infos
How to use:
[{ field: 'name', operator: 'contains' }, { field: 'address' }]
Type: { field: string; operator?: string; }[]


Hide FormControl in Form.
How to use:
hidden: true
Type: boolean


Define the highlight format for filtered results of the MultiSelect popup. Accepts a Kendo Template. Important: kendo templates use highlight as default placeholder for the highlighted text.
How to use:
highlightTemplate: '<strong>#: highlight #</strong>'
Type: string


Use the i18nDataTextfield instead of the dataTextfield to use multilingual catalogs in addition to the translation.json file.
How to use:
{ en: 'Streetname', de: 'PLZ', default: β€˜Streetname' }
Type: { default: string, [langCode: string]: string }


Define the formatting of the MultiSelect values for display e.g. combining one or more columns of the datasource for single selection. Accepts a Kendo Template or a function returning a string. Important: Have to return string inside a wrapping element. Unless template option, itemTemplate keeps the original filter highlighting.
How to use:
itemTemplate: '<span>#: entry1 # - #: entry2 #</span>'
Type: string | function
Signature: function(item: any) => string


Define a label for your control element.
How to use:
label: 'Technician'
Type: string


Set this property to "true" if data connected with this control should be a sorting/filtering/grouping option on the ListPage, is used in template objects (eg. the listTemplate) or it should show up in Admin UI listings.
How to use:
list: true
Type: boolean


Set additional options for controls with list equals true. E.g. set custom label for filter/sort/group dialogs or hide them completely.
How to use:
Type: { dialogText: string, dialogHide: boolean }


Call a pre-defined JS-method to do something when the status of the control changes.
How to use:
onChanged: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.Method
Type: function
Signature: function(data: { value: string, text: string }) => void


It is the value where the "user" sets the initial selected value of the MultiSelect to the value of the previous Form Item of the current user and overwrites any defaultValue.
How to use:
persistent: 'user'
Type: 'user'


Define a placeholder text for the MultiSelect.
How to use:
placeholder: 'Please select ...'
Type: string


Set "true" if the control has to be filled in.
How to use:
required: true
Type: boolean


Write a comment to provide further information about the field. A question mark will then be shown within the label and with a click/tap on it, the information will occur.
How to use:
tooltip: 'Please indicate at least one cause of damage.'
Type: string


Write an ID of an HTML container to provide further information about the field. A question mark will then be shown within the label and with a click/tap on it, the content of the container will occur.
How to use:
tooltipTemplate: 'example_control_tooltip'
Type: string


The URL must be a server relative SharePoint URL. For instance, the oData link to a SharePoint list.
How to use:
url: '/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('SP')/Items?$select=Title&$orderby=Title'
Type: string


Add a delay to the Kendo ValueMapper. Useful for very large catalogs.
How to use:
valueMapperDelay: true
Type: boolean


Set "true" whenever the Form element should be marked as "visited" when the user has clicked or tapped at the Form field.
How to use:
visiting: true
Type: boolean

listOptions Object​


Hide field from filter/sort/group dialogs.
How to use:
dialogHide: true
Type: boolean


Set custom label for filter/sort/group dialogs.
How to use:
dialogText: 'Display Text'
Type: string

Please follow the conventions to build an OData Source Link by considering the following documentations:


Define a FormControl that synchronizes its value with the current field. This synchronization process occurs upon navigating to the page where the current control is situated. It only occurs if the field is empty or the mode is set to "overwrite".

label: 'MultiSelect (HFSql Catalogs)',
list: true,
minLength: 3,
url: '/api/catalogs/CatalogName?$select=Title,KatalogText,PLZ,Postort&amp;%24orderby=Title,PLZ&amp;%24top=1000',
template: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.setStreetTemplate,
dataTextField: 'KatalogText',
dataValueField: 'Title',
copyValueFrom: 'tab1_multiselect_liste_2'
Option interface
interface ICopyValueFromObject {
sourceId: string;
mode: 'overwrite' | null;
callback: (value: string) => string;

type CopyValueFromType = string | ICopyValueFromObject;


Specify a function to process value before copy.
How to use:
callback: HFFormDefinition.Namespace.processValue
Type: function
Signature: function(value: string) => string


Specify if target field gets overwritten. Default behaviour is to only copy to empty fields.
How to use:
mode: 'overwrite'
Type: string


Specify source id
How to use:
sourceId: 'target_id'
Type: string

Stored data


label: 'Technician',
dataSource: [
{ name: 'Bauer, F', code: 'Bauer, F' },
{ name: 'Gruber, P', code: 'Gruber, P' },
{ name: 'Lanner, G', code: 'Lanner, G' },
{ name: 'Simon, R', code: '3521' },
{ name: 'Herbert, W', code: '123456789012' }
dataTextField: 'name',
dataValueField: 'code',
required: true

For each MultiSelect inside your Forms there are two value pairs of stored data:

First the information for the MultiSelect itself...

"id": "technician",
"value": "3521|Lanner, G"

...and second for the selected value:

"id": "technician_HFText",
"value": "Simon, R|Lanner, G"