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Version: 9.1

TextField / Textarea

<input id="customer_street" 
label: 'Address: Street name'
<textarea id="repair_remark" 
style="min-height:110px; height:auto"
label: 'Remark'

Please ensure there is no non breaking space or line break between the 'textarea'-opening and closing tag. Otherwise the cursor will not be positioned at the correct place on focus.

PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
autoResizeBooleanautoResize: trueSet "true" whenever the Textarea should be auto resized on typing. The default value is false.
defaultValueStringdefaultValue: 'Default Text'Provide a default text inside your input field.
disabledBooleandisabled: trueSet "true" whenever the TextField/Textarea should be disabled. The default value is false.
displayOnlyBooleandisplayOnly: 'trueDisables the Textfield and makes it readonly, without input styling.
doNotCopyBooleandoNotCopy: trueSet "true" whenever the field should get deleted if form is copied.
labelStringlabel: 'Addrees: Street name'Define a label for your control element.
listBooleanlist: trueSet "true" whenever the content should show up in the list on the dashboard.
listOptionsObjectlistOptions: {...}Set additional options for controls with list equals true. E.g. set custom label for filter/sort/group dialogs or hide them complettely.
mappingBooleanmapping: trueSet "true" whenever the form element should be visible / editable in the corresponding SharePoint list.
maskStringmask: '(000) 000-0000'Used to give the user an input mask. For more information visit:
persistentStringpersistent: 'user'The value "user" sets the initial value of the TextField to the value of the previous form item of the current user and overwrites any defaultValue.
requiredBooleanrequired: trueSet "true" if the control has to be filled in.
tooltipStringtooltip: 'Please fill in a remark.'Write a comment to provide further information about the field. A question mark will then be shown within the label and with a click/tap on it, the information will occur.
visitingBooleanvisiting: trueSet "true" whenever the form element should be marked as "visited" when the user has clicked or tapped at the form field.
onChangedFunction(value: string)onChanged: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.MethodCall a pre-defined JS-method to do something when the status of the control changes (optional)

A textarea is a special kind of a TextField. You can specify the look-and-feel of the textarea by providing style information. Set the minimal height "min-height" and the behavior of the textarea scrolling by setting the style attribute height to "auto".

listOptions Object

PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
dialogTextStringdialogText: 'Display Text'Set custom label for filter/sort/group dialogs.
dialogHideBooleandialogHide: trueHide field from filter/sort/group dialogs.

Stored data

The simplest storage – id and the filled-in value:

"id": "customer_street",
"value": "Cranfield Road"

MaskedInput data

<input id="masked_input" 
label: 'Phone number',
mask: '(000) 000-0000'

First the raw input data

"id": "masked_input",
"value": "1234567890"

and second for the masked value

"id": "masked_input_HFMaskedValue",
"value": "(123) 456-7890"