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Version: 9.1


<div id="switch_control" 
label: 'Switch',
messages: {
checked: 'On',
unchecked: 'OFF'
PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
doNotCopyBooleandoNotCopy: trueSet "true" whenever the field should get deleted if form is copied.
labelStringlabel: 'Switch'Define a label for your control element.
requiredBooleanrequired: trueSet "true" if the control has to be filled in.
tooltipStringtooltip: 'Please indicate
at least one cause of damage.'
Write a comment to provide further information about the field. A question mark will then be shown within the label and with a click/tap on it, the information will occur.

Stored data​

For each RadioBox group inside your forms there are several value pairs of stored data – at least there are three:

One for the checked radio button

"id": "billing_free_warranty",
"value": true

one for the unchecked radio button

"id": "billing_invoice",
"value": false

and one value pair for the "result" i.e. the selected value

"id": "billing_HFValue",
"value": "Free repair"

If you don't provide an HTML value, the label text next to and of the selected radio button will be stored.