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Version: 9.1


<div id="mark_damage" 
label: 'Mark damage with pen',
width: 226,
height: 270,
image: '{{HFFormPath}}/watermeter.png',
required: true
PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
widthIntegerwidth: 226Needs to be set for this control to define the width of the field. The value is in pixels. The maximum is always 460 px
heightIntegerheight: 280Needs to be set for this control to define the height of the field. The value is defined in pixels.
responsiveBooleanresponsive: trueSet "true" whenever the DrawingControl should be responsive. It overrites given width and height values. The default value is false.
disabledBooleandisabled: trueSet "true" whenever the DrawingControl should be disabled. The default value is false.
doNotCopyBooleandoNotCopy: trueSet "true" whenever the field should get deleted if form is copied.
imagePathimage: '{{HFFormPath}}/watermeter.png'Write down the path to connect the field with your picture. The first part of the path represents a placeholder and will be changed at runtime.
labelStringlabel: 'Mark damage with pen'Define a label for your control element.
mappingBooleanmapping: trueSet "true" whenever the form element should be visible / editable in the corresponding SharePoint list.
requiredBooleanrequired: trueSet "true" if the control has to be filled in.
tooltipStringtooltip: 'Please indicate at least one cause of damage.'Write a comment to provide further information about the field. A question mark will then be shown within the label and with a click/tap on it, the information will occur.
onChangedFunction(filled: boolean)onChanged: HFFormdefinition.Namespace.MethodCall a pre-defined JS-method to do something when the status of the control changes

Stored data

<div id="mark_damage" 
width: 226,
height: 270,
image: '{{HFFormPath}}/watermeter.png',
required: true

For each DrawingControl inside your forms there are several value pairs of stored data:

The first two value pairs are the default data to be stored – the first pair indicates the DrawingControl has been used …

"id": "mark_damage",
"value": true

… and the second pair stores the information on the created image

"id": "mark_damage_HFDrawingImageMerged",
"value": "mark_damage_merged.png"

Finally, the third pair stores the information of the strokes

"id": "mark_damage_HFDrawingStrokes",
"value": "fabric.Objects"