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Form Blocks

Form Blocks are the actual containers for the Form Controls and other HTML contents.

The form layout is built on a CSS grid system to adapt to different displays and screen modes. Please use only the predefined system!

Grid optionsDark Grid options
Grid options

Usually, two blocks are placed side by side (two-column block design), if the resolution of the current device is large enough. For smaller resolutions (such as mobile devices), there is a single-column design. Each block can contain several rows splitted in columns. The range is from one column up to 12 columns per block. The number of the columns define the maximum number of columns a row can be split into.

The following example defines a grid within a block with the CSS classes "grid column3". This grid consists of one row (CSS class "r1"), and due to the definition of column3, it contains three columns. The div with the classes r1 c1 contains the content for the column 1 in row 1, the div with the classes r1 c2 contains the content for the column 2 in row 1 and so on:

<div id="operation-block1" data-hf-block>
<div class="grid column3">
<div class="r1 c1"></div>
<div class="r1 c2"></div>
<div class="r1 c3"></div>
CSS classHow to useDescription
gridclass="grid …The CSS class "grid" defines a grid-element with unlimited rows and a maximum of four columns.
column*class="grid column1"Number of columns in a row.
c*autoclass="grid column2 c2auto"The CSS class "c2auto" defines a column at the second position
which is adjustable in width depending on the nested element.
Inside a CSS class column2 c1auto or/and c2auto are possible.
r*class="r1 c2 cspan2"The CSS classes "r*" defines the position of the row inside your grid. You can define 99 rows max.
c*class="r1 c2 cspan2"The CSS classes "c*" define the position of the column inside your row.
Note please: You can only define as many columns as you defined in your grid (column3 ≠ c4)!
cspan*class="r2 c1 cspan2"Inside a CSS class column2 you can merge the two possible columns by applying the class cspan.
The number indicates the number of columns to merge.
rl*class="r1 c2 rl1 cl1"Only v9 Grid: The CSS classes "rl*" defines the position of the row inside your grid on large screens (> 1109px). You can define 99 rows max.
cl*class="r1 c2 rl1 cl1"Only v9 Grid: The CSS classes "cl*" define the position of the column inside your row on large screens (> 1109px)
Note please: You can only define as many columns as you defined in your grid (column3 ≠ c4)!
clspan*class="r2 c1 rl1 cl1 clspan2"Only v9 Grid: Inside a CSS class column2 you can merge the two possible columns by applying the class clspan on large screens (> 1109px).
The number indicates the number of columns to merge.