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Version: 9.4

Stages and Workflows

The steps of the form processing workflow ("stages") can be defined by a JSON file. This file is named "stages.json" and can be provided as part of your template definition.

Note: "Stages" require a Server version 7.2.* or higher AND an App version 7.3 or higher!

JSON file

The JSON file represents the "configuration file" of stages and workflows initialized by clicking the toolbar button "approve".

Unless a stages.json file is provided the form definition is processed in "stage 1" with all default settings.

The JSON file consist of two objects "stages" and "workflows".

The stage definition has to contain a "next" definition which defines what should happen if a stage is approved (Form.Status == Approved).
The form will move on to the next stage when all defined workflows of the previous stage have finished sucessfully or finish if only on stage is defined.

"stages": {
"stage_1": {
"first": true,
"label": "Stage 1",
"appKioskMode": false,
"next": {
"stage": "stage_2",
"workflows": ["wf_pdf","wf_cond1" "wf_email1", "wf_grp1", "wf_excel" ],
"buttonLabel": "Approve Stage 1: {{field_id}}",
"dialogTitle": "Approve dialog title",
"dialogMessage": "Message text of the approve dialog - Finishing {{field_id}}"
"stateChanges": {
"Group": {
"workflows": [ "wf_email1" ]
"stage_ ...": {

"stage_final": {
"label": "Stage final",
"next": {
"workflows": [ "wf_archive" ]
"workflows": {
"wf_pdf": {
"type": "pdf",
"create": true
"wf_email1": {
"type": "email",
"to": "",
"subject": "New HybridForms process created ",
"body": "A new HybridForms process was created.",
"erroraction": "ignore",
"errorfeedback": "Notification could not be sent",
"errornotify": "",
"filename": "email-filename.pdf",
"attachPDF": true,
"attachImages": true,
"wf_email2" : {
"type": "email",
"to": "",
"subject": "A new form",
"template": "mailtemplate.txt"
"wf_grp1": {
"type": "setgroup",
"group": "icoad\\ag-sachbearbeiter"
"wf_current_grp": {
"type": "setcurrentgroup",
"group": "icoad\\ag-mitarbeiter"
"wf_archive": {
"type": "setstatus",
"status": "Archived"
"wf_current_archived": {
"type": "setcurrentstatus",
"status": "Archived"
"wf_cond1": {
"type": "condition",
"condition": "{field} != True"
"wf_newValue": {
"type": "setfield",
"field": "fieldID",
"value": "new Value"
"wf_newCheckboxValue": {
"type": "setfield",
"field": "fieldID",
"value": "{true}"
"wf_newRadioboxValue": {
"type": "setfield",
"field": "fieldID",
"value": "{null}"
"wf-newform": {
"type": "newform",
"title": "{Title}",
"template": "bc40e199-e8a1-4a4f-9b53-a5e8f16154c0",
"status": "Edit",
"stage": "S1",
"owner": "",
"group": "hf-group",
"fields": {
"name" : "{name_textfield}",
"date": "{work_date}"
"wf_owner": {
"type": "setowner",
"owner": "{fieldValueUPN}"
"wf_current_owner": {
"type": "setcurrentowner",
"owner": "{Editor}"
"wf_excel": {
"type": "createexcel",
"template": "excel_template.xlsx",
"filename": "form.xlsx",
"errorNotify": "",
"errorFeedback": "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Excel"

Workflows executed by finishing a "one-stage" form item must be defined inside a stages.json as well, simply skip the entry "stage" inside the "next" object.

"S1": {
"first": true,
"label": "Default Stage",
"next": {
"workflows": ["wf_email"]

If the stage enging is enabled, the app kiosk mode is disabled by default. The app kiosk mode could be activated for a specific stage.


Stages and workflows can also be created and edited in the Admin UI. Go to the formdefinition template, in the section "stages" click the "Edit"-button. Edit Stages in Admin UI

Stage object

Configure a stage object by specifying a custom name (e.g. "stage_1" ) and the values for the keys label, next, stagechanges and once first.


The key-value pairs label, next and first are required and first must be unique.

PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
firstBoolean"first": trueSpecify the stage where to start.
labelString"label": "Stage 1"Set the ID/name of the stage used in your form for conditions
appKioskModeBoolean"appKioskMode": falseDe/activate App Kiosk Mode button for this stage. App Kiosk Mode must be enabled for form (App Kiosk Mode). Default value is true.
nextObject"next": { }Define the options of the workflows initialized by finishing the stage
../stageString"next": {"stage":"stage_final"}Set the stage processed next
../workflowsJSON Array"next": {"workflows": ["wf_pdf","wf_cond1" "wf_email1", "wf_grp1"] }Specify the workflows invoked by finishing the stage
../buttonLabelString"next": {"buttonLabel":"Approve Stage 1: {{field_id}}"}For better usability define an appropriate label of the "Approve" button in the form tool bar for each stage. {{field_id}} placeholder gets replaced by list data value.
../dialogTitleString"next": {"dialogTitle": "Approve dialog title"}Specify the title of the approve dialog for each stage. {{field_id}} placeholder gets replaced by list data value.
../dialogMessageString"next": {"dialogMessage": "Message text of the approve dialog"}Specify the approve dialog message text for each stage. {{field_id}} placeholder gets replaced by list data value.
stateChangesObject"stateChanges": { "Group": {"workflows": [ "wf_email1" ] } }Define the workflows invoked by changing the form's status in the stage's life cycle.

Workflow object

Define all your workflows invoked by stage or status changes.

These workflows can be used multiple times and can be of different types as there are: conditions, requests, emails sent or changes of the form item meta data (e.g the owner or the assigned group).


The workflows are processed in order of the JSON array position. A workflow of "type": "condition" is applied to all following workflows until a new condition is defined. in the example {"workflows": ["wf_pdf","wf_cond1", "wf_email1", "wf_grp1"]} the condition of the workflow "wf_cond1" controls the execution of workflow "wf_email1" and "wf_group".

PropertyAdditional PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
typeString"type": "pdf"Set the type of the workflow, further properties are available depending on type.
errorActionString"errorAction": "ignore / status=Edit /..."Define the action in case the workflow fails: "ignore" skips the failed workflow and proceeds as defined, "status=Edit" stops any workflow execution and sets the form item status to the specified status.
errorFeedbackString"errorFeedback": "Email dispatch failed. "Provide an error message (List page feedback dialog).
errorNotifyString"errorNotify": "admin@domain.netProvide an email address for an error notification email.
type: pdfcreateboolean"create": "true"Set option to false, if you want to prevent pdf creation at this time of workflow processing
type: copypdftargetString"target": "stage2.pdf"Provide a filename, the form.pdf is copied and stored as attached document of the form item.
type: conditionconditionString"condition": "{field} != True"Define the condition to evaluate. Test for equality ("==") or inequality ("!="), please use uppercase for testing boolean values (True / False).To check if a form field value is null or empty compare the form field to a fake (i.e. not existing) form field.
type: createexcelCreates an excel with data of the form based on an excel template file that contains form field replacers. These replacers are contained in double curly braces, eg: {{field_id}}, in an excel cell.
templateString"template": "excel_template.xlsx"Provide the filename of the excel template that is included in the formdefinition template files.
filenameString"filename": "form.xlsx",Provide a filename for the excel output file.
type: emailtoString"to": "{email-address1},{email-address2}"Set the recipient's email address(es).
ccString"cc": "{email-address1},{email-address2}"Set additional email address(es).
bccString"bcc": "{email-address1},{email-address2}"Set additional email address(es) not shown in header.
fromString"from": "{email-address1}"Set sender Address.
subjectString"subject": "HybridForms: Form Approved"Provide a subject line.
bodyString"body": "A new form {title} has been approved"Provide a short email body message. You can include values of form fields.
bodyFileString"bodyFile ": "mailtemplate.txt"Provide an email template file for more complex email content.
attachPDFBoolean"attachPDF": trueSet the value to true to attache the form.pdf to the email.
filenameString"filename": "attachFile.pdf"Rename the form.pdf file attached to the email, note: this does not affect the stored form.pdf.
attachDocumentsString"attachDocuments": "^stage2.pdf$, ^uploadedDocument.docx$"Attach the named documents made avaliable by the app feature "Documents" to the email using a regex pattern
attachImagesBoolean"attachImages": trueattach all images (photos/sketches etc) contained in the form.
attachimageString"attachimage": "form-logo.png"attach an image from the form template and make it available for reference inside your mailtemplate.txt.
attachTemplateFilesArray"attachTemplateFiles": ["Example.pdf"]attach files from the form template to the email.
type: newformstatusString"status": "Edit"Specify the status of the new form.
stageString"stage": "S3"Specify the stage of the new form.
titleString"title": "{Title}"The new form inherits the title of the current form.
templateString"template": "bc40e199-e8a1-4a4f-9b53-a5e8f16154c0"Specify the template id of the new form if the created form is not of the same type.
ownerString"owner": ""Specify the owner of the new form if the new form should be assigned to a diffenet editor.
groupString"group": "hf-group"Specify the group of the new form if the new form should be assigned to a diffenet group.
fieldsString"fields": {"name" : "{name_textfield}", "date": "{work_date}",...}Specify the form fields and the values inherited by the new form.
type: requesturlString"url": ".....",Specify the URL to connect to.
requesttypeString"requestType": "POST"Define the request method ("POST" or "GET").
impersonateBoolean"impersonate": falseSet the value to true to call the service authenticated as the user submitting the form.
resourceIdString"resourceId": "ClientID"Set the ADFS/AzureAD identity of the called service for impersonation.
timeoutint"timeout": 300Timeout in seconds for calling the specified service. Default 100 seconds.
successString"success": "{result_returnCode}==0"Conditional expression to verify successfull completion. Fields from a Json or XML body returned by the service can be referenced.
messageString"message": "Status code '{result_returnCode}' returned by service. Error: {result_message}"template for the history entry in case the success condition is not met
fieldsDictionary"fields": {"fld1":"result_data_fld1",...}List of fields to set in the form using values from the body returned by the called service.
headersDictionary"headers": {"X-Access-Token":"1234",...}List of additional http headers to set when calling the service
clientIdstring"clientId": "exampleId"ClientId for ADFS/Windows AD authentication.
clientSecretstring"clientSecret": "exampleSecret"ClientSecret for ADFS/Windows AD authentication.
metaDatastring"metaData": ""MetadataAddress for OpenID authentication confiduration.
userNamestring"userName": "exampleUser"Username for ADFS/Windows AD authentication.
passwordstring"password": "examplePassword"Password for ADFS/Windows AD authentication.
type: xmlrequestSend XML formated data to the service; this is an extension to request, so all fields from request apply, plus additional properties
transformFileString"transformFile": "nameofxsltemplate.xslt"Provide an XSLT file for transformation of HybridForms XML to POST body.
type: jsonrequestSend JSON data to the service; this is an extension to request, so all fields from request apply, plus additional properties
formatString"format": "Minimal/Brief/Full/Repeating"Specify how complete the information in JSON should be, same as can be specified when requesing forms using the API.
includeFilesBoolean"includeFiles": trueset to true to include attachment binary data in "files" property (as "base64Content" )
includeCharsetBoolean"includeCharset": trueset to true to include charset attrribute in the content type ("application/json; charset=utf-8")
type: executeCall an executable or a sctript on the server. Special parameter {PDF} refers to the path of a copy of the form.pdf file
programString"program": "path_to_script_on_server"location on the server of a script to execute
argumentsString"arguments": "{templateId} {itemId}"parameters to pass to the called script or program
type: setownerownerString"owner": "{field}"Change the owner of the form item when proceeding to the next stage.
type: setcurrentownerownerString"owner": "{field}"Change the owner of the form item in the current stage.
type: setstatusstatusString"status ": "Archived"Define the new form item status ("New", "Edit","Group", "Approved" or "Archived") when proceeding to the next stage.
type: setcurrentstatusstatusString"status ": "Archived"Define the form status ("New", "Edit","Group", "Approved" or "Archived") in the current stage.
type: setgroupgroupString"group": "grp_admin"Define a new group assignment when proceeding to the next stage.
type: setcurrentgroupgroupString"group": "grp_admin"Define a new group assignment in teh current stage.
type: setfieldfieldString"field": "fieldID"Define the fieldID of a form field to be changed ..
valueString"value" : "new value"Define the new value of the defined form field at stage change. Enter the new value by using the variant string "new value" or by referencing a field value {{another fieldID}} or set the value of RadioBoxes or CheckBoxes using the variant {true}, {false} or {null}
type: setfeedbackfeedbackString"feedback" : "Feedback message"Set a feedback message on the current form
type: stagechangestageString"stage": "stage_3"Define a stage to proceed out of the predefined stage order.

Workflow data

Besides any form field value (i.e addressed by {form field id} ) you can use the following server meta data:

Authorthe name of the user who created the form
AuthorEmailemail of this user (if any)
AuthorIDthe ID (UPN) of the user who created the form
ClientIdthe ID of the sub system the form belongs to
CreatedCreation date of the form item (datetime in UTC format)
Created_DateCreation date of the form item - dateOnly
Created_HFLocal"Local" creation time of the form item
Created_TimeCreation time of the form item
Culturethe HF.Culture field from the form definition
DisplayVersionthe version of the form at the time of PDF generation/ of the workflow action
Editorthe user who last changed the form
EditorEmailemail of this user (if any)
EditorIDthe ID (UPN) of the user who last changed the form
Groupthe name of the currently to the form item assigned group
ItemIDHF.ItemID field
ModifiedDate of the last modification of the form item (datetime in UTC format)
Modified_DateDate of the last modification of the form item - dateOnly
Modified_TimeOnly the time of the last modification of the form item
Modified_HFLocalThe "local" time of the last modification of the form item
Ownerthe user who owns the form - this must not be the editor!!
OwnerEmailemail of this user (if any)
OwnerIDthe ID (UPN) of the user who owns the form
ReachoutUrlUrl to Reachout form
ReachoutConfirmUrl to Reachout confirm form
ServerUrlBase url of HybridForms server
StageIDthe id of the current form stage
StageLabelthe label of the current form stage
Statusvalue of the HF.Status field
TemplateIDHF.FormID of the form definition
TemplateNamethe name of the form definition
Titlethe form "Title"
Versionthe current version number of the form item

Note: You can use all these server meta data to generate a PDF filename except the time values because of the time format - a colon is not allowed!

Form definition


The visibilty of HybridForms elements (e.g. pages, tabs, blocks, fields, etc.) would be defined by a new condition type "stage". The "val" configures the relevant stages.

<li data-hf-title="Repair"
"cond": [{
"type": "stage",
"id": "stage_2",
"val": true
"else": "readonly"
<a href="#repair-block1"></a>
<a href="#repair-block2"></a>


The stage id and stage label can be used by the list-/headerTemplate as well. Access the information by "" and "data.stage.label".

<span data-win-bind="textContent:"></span>
<span data-win-bind="textContent: data.stage.label"></span>

Images in mailtemplate.txt


Attached images can be referenced inside your email body by the HTML tag img and the path prefix `cid.

<img src="cid:logo.png">