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Version: 9.4

Form Field Validation

There are several ways to control the user's input, restrict the type of characters or the maximal length or match the input values to acertain pattern to ensure only valid and correct values are stored.

HTML5 Field Validation

HTML5 already provides client side input validation based on the input type, this functions can be used by assigning the correct type to the form control HFWinJSCtrl.TextField.


  • TextField with no validation:

    <input id="text1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" type="text">
  • TextField with type number:

    <input id="number1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" type="number">
  • TextField with type telephone:

    <input id="tel1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" type="tel">
  • TextField with type e-mail:

    <input id="email1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" type="email">
  • TextField with type date - ! Not supported by IE11 and OS X Safari !

    <input id="date1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" type="date">

These validations are very limited and restricted to single line input elements and often do not meet the necessities of the desired input validation. Therefore we provide extended options for a better client-side input validation.

Extra Validation

Besides the already implemented data-win-option "required: true", which checks if a field has been filled in, you can define more individual validation rules by adding the data-win-option "validator" or by defining a custom validation function.


The HFWinJSCtrl.TextField can be extended by the option validator.


This overrules the HTML5 validation.

<input id="textfield1" type="(text|number|tel|email|date)" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.TextField" data-win-options="{
validator: {
type?:'text' |'number' |'email' |'tel' |'date',
min?: (number),
max?: (number),
step?: (number),

minlength?: (number, text),
maxlength?: (number, text),

pattern?: (RegExString),
errorText?: (string)
errorHTML?: (string)
PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
validatorvalidator Objectvalidator: { min: 5, max: 10, step: 0.1 }JavaScript RegExp algorithm (for more details see validator.pattern) or object of type validator.
validator.type'text' | 'number' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'date' (optional)type: 'text'Type of input. Overrules html attribute type.
validator.minnumber (optional)min: 5Specifies a minimum value for an input.
validator.maxnumber (optional)max: 10Specifies the maximum value for an input.
validator.stepnumber (optional)step: 0.1Specifies the legal number intervals for an input field.
validator.minlengthnumber, text (optionalminlength: 5Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed.
validator.maxlengthnumber, text (optional)maxlength: 10Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed. Default for inputs is 1000 and textareas 5000.
validator.patternRegEx (optional)pattern: '[0-9]{4}' pattern: '[0-9\\s]{4}'JavaScript RegExp algorithm, with the 'u' parameter treats the pattern as a sequence of unicode code points. The pattern is not surrounded by forward slashes and the tokens "^" and "$" are obsolete, always the complete string is validated.
Pattern is case-sensitive and no multiline. Character escape or token starting with a backslash has to be escaped additionally.
For further details see (, Sample patterns (
validator.errorTextstring (optional)errorText: 'Only number inputs are allowed.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. If errorHTML is also present, errorText is not used.
validator.errorHTMLstring (optional)errorHTML: 'Only <strong>number</strong> inputs are allowed.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. Valid HTML is allowed.


The HFWinJSCtrl.ComboBox only allows to select values from the configured data source. The option anytext: true allows to enter free text.

<div id="combobox1" 
required: true,
anytext: false,
dataSource: [
{ name: 'Bauer, F', code: 'Bauer, F' },
{ name: 'Gruber, P', code: 'Gruber, P' },
{ name: 'Lanner, G', code: 'Lanner, G' },
{ name: 'Simon, R', code: '3521' },
{ name: 'Herbert, W', code: '123456789012' }
dataTextField: 'name',
dataValueField: 'code',
validator: {
errorText: 'Only inputs from the dropdown are allowed.'
PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
requiredbooleanrequired: trueSet "true" if the control has to be filled in.
anytextbooleananytext: trueAllows free text input. Default is true.
validator.errorTextstring (optional)errorText: 'Only inputs from the dropdown are allowed.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. If errorHTML is also present, errorText is not used.
validator.errorHTMLstring (optional)errorHTML: 'Only <strong>inputs from the dropdown</strong are allowed.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. Valid HTML is allowed.


<div id="birthday" 
required: true,
displayValueFormat: 'dd.MM.yyyy',
max: 'now',
min: '1965-05-14',
parseFormats: [ 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'ddMMyyyy', 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'dd-MM-yyyy' ],
validator: {
errorText: 'Please enter a valid date.'
PropertyTypeHow to useDescription
requiredbooleanrequired: trueSet "true" if the control has to be filled in.
displayValueFormatstringdisplayValueFormat: 'dd.MM.yyyy'To change the format of the displayed date.
maxstringmax: 'now'Thee option "now" restricts the input of the newest possible entry to the current day. Format for fixed dates is dd.MM.yyyy
minstringmin: '1965-05-14'Set to allow entries from that date on. Format is dd.MM.yyyy and default value is 01.01.1900
parseFormatsstring[]parseFormats: ['dd.MM.yyyy', 'ddMMyyyy', 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'dd-MM-yyyy']Used to give the user several format options to type in the date.
validator.errorTextstring (optional)errorText: 'Please enter a valid date.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. If errorHTML is also present, errorText is not used.
validator.errorHTMLstring (optional)errorHTML: 'Please enter a <strong>valid date</strong>.'Specifies the error message that is shown to the user. Valid HTML is allowed.


Field value must be one of the option values if selected

<select id="select1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.SelectBox">
<option value="value1">value 1</option>
<option value="value2">value 2</option>


Field value must be one of the radio values if checked:

<input id="radio1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.RadioBox" type="radio" name="name" value="value1">
<input id="radio2" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.RadioBox" type="radio" name="name" value="value2">


Field value must be the checkbox value if checked:

<input id="checkbox1" data-win-control="HFWinJSCtrl.CheckBox" type="checkbox" value="value1">

Custom Validation (JS)

Some input controls can be validated by adding a custom validation function. Currently supported controls are the ComboBox, the DatePicker, the TimePicker and the SelectBox control. These functions offer the possibility to compare two controls of the same type for example the fields "start time" and "end time" or to prevent the user to select identical values of ComboBoxes.


These functions can only return true or false.

export function setCustomTimeValidator(field, val) {
const fieldTarget = HybridForms.API.Fields.getById('compare_time1');
let t1 = Date.parse(fieldTarget.value);
let t2 = Date.parse(val);
if (t1 >= t2) {
return false;
return true;

export function triggerTimeChange() {
const ctrl = HybridForms.API.FormControls.getCtrl('compare_time2');
if (ctrl && ctrl.ctrl) {

Just add your custom validation function to your JavaScript file and in your HTML template call the function inside the control(s) by adding the data-win-option validator.

<div id="compare_time1"
label: 'Begin time',
defaultValue: 'now',
emptyContent: 'hh:mm',
format: 'HH:mm',
onChanged: HFFormdefinition.DemoHelpers.triggerTimeChange

<div id="compare_time2"
label: 'End time',
emptyContent: 'hh:mm',
format: 'HH:mm',
custom: 'HFFormdefinition.DemoHelpers.setCustomTimeValidator',
errorHTML: 'End time can not be equal or before begin time!!!'

In case of comparing two values keep in mind to trigger any changes of the control to be compared with, so validation is working vice-versa.