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Version: 10.

App Kiosk Mode

The App Kiosk Mode is designed for providing the possibility to let unauthorized persons fill out Forms in a secure way. In "single"-App Kiosk Mode an authorized person has to open a new Form, switch to App Kiosk Mode and then pass along the device to another person. To unlock the kiosk mode a PIN is required. In "sequential"-App Kiosk Mode once it is activated, one Form after another is opened without leaving the App Kiosk Mode.


To enable the App Kiosk Mode a new App Kiosk Mode var tag has to be set within the Form tag:

<var data-hf-name="AppKioskMode" ... ><var>

There are several configuration options:

data-hf-unlockcode*numberDefines the PIN. Only numbers are allowed.
data-hf-locktime*numberDefines the App Kiosk Mode lock time in minutes. After n minutes the Kiosk Mode would be locked.
data-hf-kioskmode*Enum: singleDefines the App kiosk mode type: Single means that the App Kiosk Mode is activated on the formpage.
data-hf-kioskapprovelabelstringDefines the wording of the App Kiosk Mode approve label.
data-hf-data-hf-kiosklocklabelstringDefines the wording of the App Kiosk Mode lock label.
data-hf-kioskactivatefeaturesbooleanDefines if the Form-activated App features (camera, sketches, map etc.) are also activated in the App Kiosk Mode.
data-hf-kioskshowpinonlockbooleanDefines if PIN is shown to the user when the App is about to be locked in App Kiosk Mode (only single Kiosk Mode).

* These options are required

Example configuration


For handling which pages, tabs, blocks or Condition areas are used within an active App Kiosk Mode, the condition expression type kiosk will be used. For further information on the topic of Conditions and how to use them, click here.

Example Usage Tab
"cond": [
"type": "kiosk",
"val": false
"else": "disabled"
<a href="#repair-block1"></a>
<a href="#repair-block2"></a>

Example Usage Condition
"cond": [
{ "type": "kiosk", "val": true }
"else": "invisible"


  • The App Kiosk Mode state is only stored on the client.
  • The synchronization is stopped when the App Kiosk Mode is enabled. Data would only be stored on the device. When App Kiosk Mode is disabled, synchronization will be triggered.

PDF Rendering​

  • The PDFs will be rendered normally, even if the Kiosk Mode is active.