The allowed file types. The file types are defined as an array of extensions.
Enable audio feedback on button click.
The label text for the uplaod button.
Delete all attachments if condition is not fullfilled.
The description text displayed before uploaded files. HTML is allowed.
The description text displayed before uploaded files. HTML is allowed.
disposedThe maximum file size in KB.
The maximum number of files to upload.
The maximum number of pixels for image files.
the maximum number of pages for PDF files.
The minimum file size in KB.
The minimum number of pixels for image files.
Enable multiple file uploads.
optionsSuggests a unique file name for the uploaded file if another one with the same name already exists.
Gets the corresponding field of the form control.
Gets the PostfixFieldId. Relevant for operations in repeating units. Check first, if the form control is contained in a repeating unit, see: isRepeatingUnit.
Searches for a field by providing its id.
The id of the field.
Sets the field value of the form control. Be careful: This does not update the UI. In most cases it is better to use the val() method, see: val
The value of the field
Upload files.
Expects an array of files.
[optional] Disables the onChanged callback if set to true. Necessary if an onChanged-Handler wants to change itself.
Generated using TypeDoc
The HybridForms FileUploader. Upload files within a form.