There are two possible ways to implement JS functionality:
Directly within the HTML Form Definition in the head section or within HybridForms blocks:
Via an external file and linked scriptTag within the Form Definition's header:
<script data-hf-src="[FILENAME].js"></script>
For detailed examples, explore the Forms provided within the FormDefinitions folder of the "formDev" project.
The basic structure of HybridForms JavaScript (file)​
Pack JS within an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
(function () {
'use strict'; // forcing browser to strict mode Javascript
// code here
})(); -
Define your WinJS namespace
WinJS.Namespace.define('HFFormdefinition.NamespaceChild', {
// variables, functions and classes
}); -
For browser (e.g. chrome) debbugging purposes, add the following at the end of the file
//# sourceURL=[Name of the js file].js
If you are using ESLint and the
, add globals at the beginning of the file to prevent ESLint errors/* global $ WinJS Icomedias HybridForms [...] */
Naming convention for namespacing:
Define the namespace once within the HTML Form Definition, especially when utilizing external files. Ensure that each Form Definition has a unique namespace to prevent any potential issues.
Full JavaScript example​
- JavaScript
/* ESLint no-undef-rule: define globals to prevent ESLint errors */
/* global $ WinJS IcoWinJS kendo HFWinJS HybridForms Icomedias HFFormdefinition */
(function () {
'use strict'; // forcing browser to strict mode JavaScript
WinJS.Namespace.define('HFFormdefinition.BaseHelpers', {
// variables, functions and classes
//# sourceURL=[Name of the js file].js
<script data-hf-src="BaseHelpers.js"></script>
WinJS.Namespace.define('HFFormdefinition.BaseHelpers', {});